KING KALM 600mg CBD For Great Pyrenees


KING KALM 600mg CBD For Great Pyrenees

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The Great Pyrenees enjoys enduring popularity within the country and abroad for its warm, calm personality and its regal appearance. White coated, sometimes with a hint of black or rust color, the Great Pyrenees is a big dog with a big heart. Historically trained to herd sheep and guard the flock, Great Pyrenees are known for their intelligence and ability to serve their families when it’s necessary. Growing up to 130 pounds, Great Pyrenees are also formidable guardians of the home, not necessarily for any aggressive traits, but simply for their imposing stature. People who own Great Pyrenees, however, don’t need to worry about overprotective or territorial behaviors; they know very well how Pyrenees can become a lap dog in no time.

CBD for Great Pyrenees - Background Information

Temperamentally, the Great Pyrenees is known for being affectionate, patient, and caring, especially with children or vulnerable animals. They are extremely careful and loyal and will do just about anything to keep their owners happy. One potentially negative characteristic in Pyrenees is stubbornness. The dogs are known for being independent and aloof at times and following their own directions. This makes it hard for some owners to train their dogs, which is why veterinarians generally recommend getting them started early, that way the dynamic between master and pet is set early on. Still, because the Pyrenees is technically a nocturnal canine, it tends to have occasional problems following orders and can be, from time to time, exceptionally loud outside. The great Pyrenees are prolific barkers, and neighbors will be well aware of their presence within the neighborhood. Sometimes referred to as satellite dogs, Pyrenees have the habit of walking around their property and barking constantly, just to let others know that this is their turf. 

CBD Oil for Great Pyrenees- Application

CBD for Great Pyreneesis becoming increasingly popular in the veterinary world for its potential ability to ease any temperamental issues the Pyrenees may be experiencing. By interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is thought to play a role in supporting a positive mood and behavior, as well as processing pain, CBD is thought to alleviate any mental discomfort patterns a dog might be experiencing. For aloof and sometimes stubborn breeds, such as the Pyrenees, CBD can potentially make listening and accepting information a little bit easier. It also might help control the dog’s genetic desire to bark throughout the night, making them a bit more neighborhood friendly. CBD can also help with a Pyrenees’ ability to socialize; while the breed is known to generally sociable, they can also be extremely shy with people other than the family. 

CBD Oil for Great Pyrenees Separation Anxiousness

Because Great Pyrenees can grow quite attached to their owners, it is not uncommon for them to experience a mental discomfort condition calledGreat Pyrenees separation anxiousness when left alone. With some training early on, this problem can often be avoided, but for some dogs, more help is needed before they can feel comfortable enough being on their own.CBD for Great Pyrenees is thought to influence neural networks within the brain to the extent that the dog’s body will not become over-encumbered with mental discomfort.  Limiting these potential ailments with proper treatment early on is the way to go for owners of Great Pyrenees. 

How Much CBD for Great Pyreneesis Appropriate

Aside from being brushed every few days to limit their shedding, Great Pyrenees are relatively low-maintenance dogs who can often take care of themselves. Still, the breed does suffer from a number of mild to moderate health issues that need to be checked on from time to time and treated with proper means.This is important for big dogs who often experience trouble as a result of their size.CBD for Great Pyrenees is also thought to help with regard to how dogs process pain, making their symptoms more manageable and improving their overall well-being and lifestyle.

How much CBD for Great Pyrenees depends on the severity and consistency of the symptoms. We recommend taking a careful look at what your Pyrenees is suffering from and make an educated decision with the help of one of our pet experts here at King Kanine or your trusted veterinarian. King Kanine has a wealth ofCBD for Great Pyrenees products that your pup can enjoy, ranging fromCBD oil for Great Pyrenees to edibles and topicals as well. Incorporate these treats into your dog’s diet to improve their lifestyle today. If a flavored snack isn’t what you’re looking for, try aCBD-infused balm that can be used during grooming sessions. 

Have any questions? We’re waiting to hear from you.

See Our King Kalm FAQs for Further Information.

Suggested Dose: Use the dosing chart included in the box (also posted above with product images). Administer 1-2 times a day. 


 Naturally Occurring Broad Spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD), DHA, Copaiba Essential Oil, Krill Oil, Hemp Oil


Why choose King Kalm?

Broad spectrum Phytocannabinoid rich oils

  • CO2 extraction
  • Each product is formulated with your pet in mind manufactured in our GMP Certified, ISO-9001 FDA registered facility.
  • Third party lab tested (available upon request)
  • Homogenously suspended in Krill oil and lavender
  • Edible recipes are formulated by our license holistic physician and nutritional expert
  • Free of solvents, pesticides, metals and unnatural substances
  • All oils come with a dosing chart and oral syringe (our charts and delivery method is to ensure the maximum amount of CBD per dose)

What is CBD

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of over 80 cannabinoid compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant. It is a completely natural, plant-based compound that is non-toxic, non-psychoactive, and does not produce a so-called “high.”

How do I know if my dog or cat needs CBD?

As mammals, all dogs, cats, and humans have what is called an Endocannabinoid System (ECS). This system contains receptors which when bound to create and modulate an immune system response, can have a profound effect on the nervous system and many common conditions that plague both us and our furry family members.

Will CBD interact with my pets medication?

We always recommend consulting with your veterinarian prior to using our products.

Is it as effective for dogs or cats as it is for humans?


What makes King Kalm CBD different from other CBD pet products?

King Kalm™ CBD is derived from Broad Spectrum Cannabidiol Oils. Extracted from the highest quality all naturally occurring hemp and suspended in high omega-3 Krill Oil. Our CBD is lab tested vigorously and often for its potency and bio-availability. We do not use ANY artificial ingredients, flavors, preservatives, or colors whatsoever. Our product is 100% pure and something that can be found only in nature. We only create and sell a product we would give to our own pets.

How do I know which strength/bottle to choose?

There are many factors in deciding which milligram bottle to choose which can also depend on the ailment you are treating. Since each dog and family is different it really becomes a personal decision.
Please use this chart to choose:
Small sized pet 20 lbs & under - 75mg bottle (approximately 2.5mg / 1ML)
Medium sized pet 21lbs to 50 lbs - 150mg bottle (approximately 5mg / 1ML)
Large sized pet over 50 lbs - 300mg bottle (approximately 10mg / 1ML)

How much CBD is there in the King Kalm Crunch treats?

There are approximately 3-4 milligrams of CBD per treat and approximately 30 treats in each 8oz bag.

How do I dose King Kalm CBD?

Each box of King Kalm™ CBD comes with a dosing chart that may guide you based on your pet's weight.
Please note: This product has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. Always consult a veterinarian prior to supplementing any product.

How do I give my pet the oil?

Each box comes with an oral syringe to administer in their mouth. That is the preferred method but you can put it in your pets food as a second option.

Is King Kalm CBD given more than once a day?

Administer the dose once a day and take notes of how your pet is responding. Monitor the signs and symptoms over a few days to weeks' time. Make adjustments based on your pets response.

Once I start CBD therapy, do I have to always give it to them?

Ask yourself this; once you decide to eat healthy, do you have to continue eating healthy in order to gain the benefits from the nutrients and vitamins found in that food? The answer is yes. This is a lifestyle change and like all other lifestyle changes they must be consistent in order to achieve the best results. There are no greater results to be had than the health of our four legged family members.

How does King Kalm help with my pet's health problems?

The FDA prohibits the correlation of our products and the healing of any medical condition and or ailments. We recommend trying one of our products for at least one month to witness any changes in your pet.