June 06, 2023 8 min read

Hemp Oil Vs CBD Oil: Is Hemp Oil the Same as CBD Oil for Dogs

As a responsible dog owner, you want to ensure your furry friend receives the best care possible, including their daily supplements. With the surge of interest in hemp oil and CBD oil as natural remedies for various ailments in dogs, it's crucial to understand the differences between these two products.

So, is there any difference between hemp oil and CBD oil when it comes to our canine companions? This blog post aims to explore this question by delving into the nature, benefits, and suitability of each product for your dog.

Key Takeaways

  • Hemp oil and CBD oil are two distinct products with different benefits for dogs. Hemp oil is primarily used as a dietary supplement, while CBD oil offers potential therapeutic effects.
  • Hemp seed oil is derived from hemp seeds and contains no CBD or THC, whereas CBD oil is extracted from the flowers of commercially grown hemp and contains trace amounts of THC (below 0.3%).
  • When choosing between hemp seed oil and dog - specific CBD formulas, it's important to consider your dog's specific needs and consult with a veterinarian regarding dosage and administration methods.
  • Both options are generally considered safe but may have potential side effects such as digestive issues or drowsiness in some dogs. It's advisable to start with low doses and monitor your pet closely for any adverse reactions.

Understanding Hemp Oil and CBD Oil for Dogs

Hemp oil and CBD oil are two distinct products that are sometimes confused, yet they offer different benefits for dogs.

Differences Between Hemp Oil And CBD Oil

Understanding the differences between hemp oil and CBD oil is crucial for pet owners looking to provide the best care for their pets. The table below highlights the key distinctions between these two types of oil.

Hemp Oil


Derived from hemp seeds

Extracted from the flowers of commercially grown hemp

Contains no CBD or THC

Contains CBD and trace amounts of THC (below 0.3%)

Primarily used as a dietary supplement due to its high nutrient content

Used for therapeutic purposes thanks to its properties

Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, protein, and other essential nutrients

Offers potential health benefits such as reducing inflammation, managing pain, and promoting relaxation

Does not provide the same therapeutic effects as CBD oil

May help with various health conditions in dogs, including anxiety, arthritis, and seizures

It's essential for dog owners to choose the appropriate oil based on their pet's specific needs, while ensuring quality and safety through third-party lab testing and consultation with a veterinarian.

Extraction Methods

In the process of producing hemp oil and CBD oil for dogs, various extraction methods are utilized to obtain the valuable compounds from the cannabis plant. Hemp seed oil is primarily extracted using a cold-press method, which involves applying pressure to the hemp seeds and separating the oils without any heat or chemicals involved.

On the other hand, CBD oil undergoes a more complex extraction process since it is derived from different parts of the hemp plant such as leaves, stalks, and flowers. The most widely used approach for extracting CBD oil is CO2 extraction – a safe and efficient method that utilizes carbon dioxide under high pressure and low temperatures.

This procedure effectively isolates pure CBD while preserving its therapeutic properties alongside other beneficial cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, or terpenes present in full-spectrum CBD oils or broad-spectrum CBD products.

Benefits For Dogs

Numerous health benefits can be provided to your beloved canine companions by incorporating both hemp oil and CBD oil into their daily routines. These natural supplements offer a variety of advantages, including:

  1. Hemp oil is rich in essential fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, promoting healthy skin and coat for dogs.
  2. The protein found in hemp seeds can aid in muscle development and support overall growth.
  3. Hemp oil promotes immune system health due to its high nutrient content.
  4. CBD oil has been shown to provide relief from chronic pain andinflammation in dogs.
  5. Anxiety disorders can be managed effectively with the use of pet CBD oil, which has calming properties ideal for stressed or nervous dogs.
  6. Dog CBD oil may help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in epileptic dogs.
  7. Both hemp oil and CBD oil have cardioprotective qualities that contribute to improved cardiovascular health.
  8. Dogs experiencing digestive issues may benefit from the use of full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD oil, as it promotes gut health and aids in digestion.

Considering these diverse benefits for your pets' overall wellness, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option while selecting between hemp seed oil or dog cbd oil depending on your dog's specific needs. Remember always to consult with a veterinarian before adding any supplement into their diet or routine care.

Hemp Oil Vs CBD Oil

Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of the cannabis plant, with hemp having significantly lower levels of THC, while CBD oil is extracted from flowers and leaves of the hemp plant while hemp oil is made by pressing seeds.

Cannabis Plants: Hemp Vs. Marijuana

Cannabis plants come in two main varieties: hemp and marijuana. The primary difference between the two is their THC content, with marijuana having high levels of THC while hemp contains less than 0.3% THC.

Hemp has been used for centuries to make various products due to its strong fibers and nutritional value, including dog hemp oil made from crushed seeds.

When it comes to CBD oil for dogs, it's important to understand that it can be derived from either variety of cannabis plant but is typically sourced from hemp since it contains higher levels of CBD and minimal amounts of THC. 

Types Of Cannabinoids

Hemp and cannabis plants contain more than 100 cannabinoids, but the two most well-known are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). While THC is known for its psychoactive effects, CBD is non-intoxicating.

Other important cannabinoids found in full-spectrum CBD oil include CBG (cannabigerol), CBC (cannabichromene), and CBN (cannabinol). Each cannabinoid has unique properties that react differently with your dog's endocannabinoid system.

For example, CBG has been linked to reducing inflammation, while CBC may boost brain function.

Effects On The Body

Hemp oil and CBD oil have different effects on dogs' bodies due to their unique chemical compositions. Hemp oil contains essential fatty acids, which help support overall health by promoting healthy skin, fur, and joints.

CBD oil can also be used therapeutically for dogs suffering from chronic pain or anxiety disorders. It has even been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit dogs with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.

Hemp oil is generally considered safe for all breeds of dogs and can be a great addition to their diet as a nutritional supplement.

Choosing The Right Oil For Your Dog

Consider the specific needs of your dog when choosing between hemp oil and CBD oil, and consult with your veterinarian to determine the right dosage and administration method.

Specific Needs Of Your Dog

When choosing the right oil for your dog, it is important to take into consideration their specific needs. Different dogs may require different dosages and types of oils depending on their size, weight, health conditions, and overall well-being.

For instance, if your dog has a history of anxiety or joint pain, CBD oil may be a better option than hemp seed oil as it contains higher levels of cannabinoids that can have therapeutic effects on such conditions.

On the other hand, if your dog has issues with digestion or skin irritation, hemp seed oil may offer more benefits due to its high content of essential fatty acids.

Dosage And Administration

Administering hemp oil or CBD oil to your dog requires careful consideration of dosage and administration. Here are some tips to ensure you're doing it correctly.

  1. Start with a low dose: When introducing hemp or CBD oil for the first time, start with a small dose and gradually increase it over time.
  2. Follow product instructions: Each hemp or CBD product has its own dosage recommendations, based on the concentration of cannabinoids in the oil. Always follow these instructions carefully.
  3. Consider your dog's weight: Your dog's weight is an important factor to consider when determining their proper dosage.
  4. Keep a log: Record your dog’s response to the initial dose and how they react as the dose increases. This will help you monitor effectiveness and side effects.
  5. Be consistent: Consistency is key when administering hemp or CBD oil – try to give it at the same time each day to help regulate your dog’s body functions.
  6. Mix with food: Mixing hemp or CBD oil with your dog’s food can make administration easier and more enjoyable for them.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your pet is receiving the right amount of hemp or CBD oil for their specific needs without causing harm or negative side effects. As always, consult with your veterinarian before starting any new supplement regimen for your furry friend.

Potential Side Effects

It's important to note that both hemp oil and CBD oil for dogs are generally considered safe, but there are potential side effects to be aware of. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Hemp oil can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea or stomach upset, especially if given in large amounts.
  • CBD oil may cause drowsiness or lethargy in some dogs, particularly at higher doses.
  • In rare cases, dogs may experience an allergic reaction to either hemp or CBD oil, so it's important to monitor your pet closely after administering a new supplement.
  • If your dog is on medication, it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before adding any supplements like hemp or CBD oil, since they could potentially interact with other drugs.

As always, it's important to start with a low dosage and gradually increase as needed while monitoring your pet closely for any adverse effects. If you have any concerns about potential side effects or interactions with medications, don't hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian for guidance.

Ensuring Quality and Safety

To ensure the quality and safety of hemp oil or CBD oil for your dog, it's essential to look for third-party lab testing, consult with a veterinarian, and start with a low dosage.

Third-Party Lab Testing

Ensuring the quality and safety of hemp oil or CBD oil is crucial for your dog's well-being. Third-party lab testing is the best way to guarantee that the product you're using meets certain standards.

A reputable brand should be transparent about their third-party lab tests, making them easily accessible on their website or providing them upon request. These tests will show not only that there are no harmful chemicals or toxins present in the oil but also confirm its potency and ensure that what's on the label matches what's inside.

Consultation With Veterinarian

It is crucial to consult with a veterinarian before giving your dog hemp or CBD oil. While these products are generally considered safe, they can interact with certain medications and may not be suitable for dogs with certain medical conditions.

Additionally, a vet can also help you navigate the confusing world of hemp and CBD products for pets. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to know which one to choose and how much to give your pet.

Your vet may even have their own preferred brand or supplier that they trust and recommend.

Starting With A Low Dosage

When it comes to administering hemp oil or CBD oil to your dog, proper dosage is crucial. It's important to start with a low dosage and gradually increase the amount until you achieve the desired results without adverse effects.

Each pet has different needs, and their tolerance levels may vary based on their size, age, breed, and overall health condition.

For instance, if you're giving your dog CBD oil depending on its potency level and specific needs of your furry friend starting at 1-2 mg per 10lbs body weight would be fine in most cases due to this product being highly concentrated.

If there are no noticeable changes within a few days at this dosage level then slowly increasing is advisable over time until peak effectiveness is reached without disrupting how they feel day-to-day.


In conclusion, while hemp oil and CBD oil for dogs may have similar origins, they are not interchangeable. Hemp seed oil provides excellent nutritional value and is great for promoting healthy skin and coat in pets, but it does not contain any CBD.

On the other hand, full or broad-spectrum CBD oil is rich in cannabinoids that offer therapeutic benefits such as anxiety relief and anti-inflammatory effects. When considering using hemp or CBD oil for your dog, speak to your veterinarian to determine which product best suits their specific needs.

Choose a reputable brand that utilizes third-party lab testing to ensure quality and safety.