August 05, 2019 4 min read

It is well known that dogs and cats, just like people, suffer from anxiety and sometimes even depression. Should that really come as a surprise to anyone? Our pets are conscious creatures just like ourselves and suffer from feelings like we do from time to time. Of course, unlike with people, it is not always easy to tell when your pet is feeling anxious, precisely because, unlike people, they can’t just say so. That’s why it is not uncommon for symptoms of dog anxiety and cat anxiety to often go unnoticed.

King Kanine is here to provide dog and cat owners with all the information possible on how to spot symptoms of dog anxiety and cat anxiety so that our canine and feline friends don’t continue to suffer unnoticed. Once we spot these symptoms, there are a lot of things we can do with behavioral treatment and medicine to make our friends feel better. You might be surprised to find that the behaviors you’ve noticed in your animal are actually signs of anxiety and are not just part of their natural character.

Let’s get started. Here are some common signs of anxiety in our pets, starting with dogs.

Dog anxiety symptoms

How to Spot Dog Anxiety

Non-stop barking: If your dog is barking uncontrollably, it might not be the case that he or she sees something that is threatening your household. Often dogs will bark just to communicate a basic feeling they’re experiencing, and anxiety is often the feeling. We might find this symptom annoying and tell the dog to quit speaking, but we have to try and take it seriously, because anxiety is nothing comfortable to live with.

Peeing around the house: Sometimes it happens that even if your dog is house-trained, and has been for many years, they may dribble a bit of urine around the house. Before you get angry or upset with the dog, check to see if he or she has any other symptoms of anxiety. Urine dribbling is not an uncommon symptom of dog anxiety, as it is part of their fight or flight process.

Chewing on everything: A nervous dog who is unable to get their energy out of their system is likely to chew on anything they find in front of them. This may be furniture, toys, rugs, or anything else. If a dog has a lot of pent up energy and doesn’t know what to do with it, this may be their first reaction. Often this happens when a dog is left alone, but it is not uncommon for it to happen even when someone else is in the house. Give some attention to the dog to make this happen less.

Pacing around the house: When a dog paces back and forth in a specific area, it may be more than simple boredom. A dog will tend to pace around if they’re scared, agitated, or anxious, and the pacing comes as a result of them not knowing how to handle the situation. Some dogs will walk in circles, whereas others will walk back and forth in a line. Be sure to take a good look at your dog if he or she is pacing, because if they’re experiencing anxiety, you have got to do something about it.

Cat anxiety symptoms

Signs of Cat Anxiety

Hiding: A cat that is hiding all the time may not just be trying to play hide and seek. It is well known that if a cat spends a lot of time hiding, it is uncomfortable in its environment and needs a little bit of help to feel more at home. Of course, it might be the case that you just have a cat that likes to be left alone, but if it is a new behavior, consider doing something about it. 

Aggression: If sudden aggression or feistiness becomes the foremost behavior in your cat, consider cat anxiety a possible cause. Anxiety often stems from having pent up energy. If a cat hasn’t been played with in a while, has been ignored, or is anxious about something else, aggression can come out.

Excessive meowing: A cat that talks a lot tends to take social media by storm, because everyone finds the behavior so cute. And while that sometimes might be OK, excessive meowing is actually a very common sign of pet anxiety. Pay more attention to your cat if he or she is making a lot of noise, see if they’re hungry or lonely, and find out what you can do.

Following you everywhere: A cat that suddenly becomes especially clingy and follows you everywhere you go might be doing so because it is afraid of being left alone. That, or it might be feeling something that it doesn’t think it can handle on its own, and, much like a child, it needs your help. Don’t push your cat away if they’re showing you extra attention.

What can I give my dog for anxiety? Is there cat anxiety medication?

The first thing one should do if a dog or cat is suffering from pet anxiety is consult a veterinarian. They will assess the situation and give a professional analysis. If the situation doesn’t seem that extreme and you think you can handle it on your own, you can consider remedies sold at popular pet stores. You can even turn to a more recent, popular product, which is CBD oil. This non-psychoactive cannabinoid product is known for relieving anxiety and discomfort in animals and may help with dog and cat anxiety.