September 04, 2022 7 min read

Even though you're doing all you can to ensure your pet's health and wellbeing, cancer continues to be a prevalent disease in canines. Melanoma, bone cancer, mast cell tumors, and breast cancer are a few of the most often found canine cancers.

For a pet owner using conventional cancer treatment programs for their dog’s quality life, CBD treatment is an excellent adjunctive therapy. Although CBD is not really a primary treatment for cancer, it may inhibit the spread of cancer cells, promote healthy cells and support the effects of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or medication. In this article, we dwell on understanding - is CBD oil good for dogs with cancer and more. Keep reading to find out.

Unlike conventional cancer treatments, since people have had access to CBD products for a while, pets can now benefit from them as well. Dogs with cancer require something to soothe their bodies because they experience the same feelings and illnesses that humans do. Discomfort would make a dog suffering cancer irritable, and CBD can assist control pain.

The majority of dogs have an endocannabinoid system, which is essential for keeping the harmony and control over a variety of bodily processes. Animals are able to battle sadness, nervousness, chronic pain, or even inflammatory infections because of CBD's direct effects on that system. However, CBD also has a significant impact in restoring the pet's appetite and reducing cancer cells and cancer symptoms.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound derived from hemp known for its natural anti-inflammatory properties. In the last few years, CBD has been used by millions nationwide to treat symptoms associated with a wide number of conditions. When ingested, CBD interacts with receptors in our endocannabinoid system or ECS. The ECS plays a major role in many vital biological functions like sleep cycles, appetite, anxiety, and pain sensitivity. Through its interaction with ECS receptors, CBD supports the endocannabinoid system, which is why many have added a dose of CBD oil to their daily routines.

The endocannabinoid system is a messenger system found in canines. It supports immunological function, sleep, hunger, pain, and more. The messengers in this system are affected by full spectrum CBD oil, which also stimulates the immunological, gastrointestinal, and neurological systems in addition to the brain. And it is able to achieve this because CBD contains endocannabinoids that are very comparable to those in your dog's body.

Is CBD Effective for Dogs with Cancer?

Because all mammals have an endocannabinoid system, pet owners across the country have begun administering CBD oil to their dogs. Anecdotal evidence and some studies suggest CBD for dogs may be able to help your furry friend in stressful situations like prolonged isolation, loud noises, and the presence of strangers. A healthy endocannabinoid system in dogs can also promote better sleep, improve appetite, and reduce muscle and joint pain. Due to the endocannabinoid system's ability to reduce feelings of pain, thousands of owners are turning to natural hemp-derived CBD as an all-natural alternative to treat canine cancer. But is CBD for dog cancer really effective?

The effectiveness of CBD against canine urothelial carcinoma was investigated in a promising Canadian study (bladder cancer). The research compared the effectiveness of chemotherapy alone, a conventional treatment, and chemotherapy combined with CBD for canine cancer patients. According to the findings, CBD for bladder cancer not just reduced cell viability and caused cell damage in canine cells by itself but also performed much better when paired with chemotherapy.

Talking about cancer in dogs is a very delicate subject that should not be taken lightly. It may come as a surprise to many readers, but cancer is actually the leading cause of death in adult dogs. It is estimated that 1 in 3 dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime with the types of cancer and symptoms very similar to those in people. Hence, cancer in dogs can be a very painful and taxing experience for both dogs and their families.

There is nothing worse than seeing your dog suffer from a disease like cancer, which is why owners are usually willing to try all possible forms of treatment including alternative methods like CBD oil. While there is no conclusive evidence supporting CBD oil for cancer, some studies suggest that cannabidiol may be a promising supplement in the fight against cancer. If you wish to try alternative methods like CBD for dogs, we recommend you consult with a professional veterinarian first.

Cannabis has a long history of use as a herb that helps fight cancer. In reality, cannabis' ability to aid cancer patients in coping with the adverse effects of cancer medication is one of the key factors contributing to the shift in public perception towards the drug.

The clinical studies of three cannabis-based medications, Dronabinol, Nabilone, etc., have garnered the majority of attention in regards to the potential health benefits of CBD oil for cancer today. Each of these drugs is derived from human CBD, THC, or a mixture of the two.

Although nothing is definitive, the findings from research on these medications and cancer are encouraging. Cancer sufferers in both humans and dogs with cancer may benefit significantly from cannabinoids like CBD dog treats.

The Advantages of CBD Oil for Canine Cancer Treatment

  • CBD oils may speed up the immune system's ability to find cancer cells
  • CBD oils and hemp oil provides pain relief associated with cancer
  • CBD oil reduces the frequency of negative effects from cancer treatment (diarrhea, nausea, lack of sleep)
  • Malignant tumors' growth might be slowed with CBD oil
  1. Aids Immune System Performance

    The immune system of your dog is constantly on the watch for anything that seems wrong, including outside pathogens such as viruses and bacteria along with cancerous cells like cancer. Medical marijuana helps the immune system perform better, provides natural relief, and makes your dog calm.

  2. Pain management Associated With Cancer

    A frequent and incapacitating side effect of cancer is severe pain. By destroying nerve cells and inducing inflammatory responses, cancer can cause discomfort. Additionally, tumor growth may start to press on the organs and tissues in the area, which may be painful or uncomfortable. Chemotherapy can also cause dogs to experience chronic pain because of extensive oxidative stress and injury to nerve cells.

The Alternatives: Chemotherapy for Dogs

Chemotherapy can be administered on its own or in combination with other treatments like radiation or surgery. A pill that your dog can ingest may also be used to administer medication. At a veterinary visit, chemotherapy may be injected.

People frequently experience the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea, puking, and decreased energy. Dogs may react to chemotherapy more tolerably since they frequently receive lower treatment dosages and frequently take fewer supplementary medications. For instance, unlike humans, the majority of breeds normally do not shed their hair.

In spite of this, dogs can develop mild, medium, or severe vomiting, diarrhea, or decreased appetite. An increased likelihood of infection may result from reduced white and red blood cell numbers. Last but not least, the medications may cause lethargy in some dogs. Any clinical symptoms your dog exhibits that seem unusual should be reviewed with your pet's veterinarian.

By far, the most effective treatment for dog cancer is chemotherapy, a regimen of anti-cancer drugs aimed at curing the disease or reducing symptoms to prolong life. While chemotherapy in humans is often associated with debilitating side effects, dogs have it better when it comes to this form of treatment. Unlike humans, dogs going through chemotherapy will not get as sick. The most common side effects of chemo in dogs are mild diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and reduced physical activity. Additionally, dogs rarely lose hair during chemotherapy, but this varies widely per breed.

Chemotherapy for Dogs with Lymphoma

Lymphoma is the most common type of cancer in all of veterinary medicine. Lymphoma inhibits cells in the immune system called lymphocytes. For the most part, lymphocytes are found in what scientists call our disease-fighting network: the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and bone marrow. Lymphoma causes lymphocytes to grow out of control leading to swollen lymph nodes (neck), armpits, and groin. Other common symptoms of lymphoma include fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, and rapid weight loss.

The most common and effective treatment for canine lymphoma is chemotherapy. The exact type of chemotherapy treatment varies per individual case, and so does the survival rate. Chemotherapy for dogs with lymphoma is effective at eliminating the signs of cancer, but not necessarily cancer itself. In other words, treatments for lymphoma can buy your dogs some time, but unfortunately, most dogs will have a relapse at some point.

Cost of Chemo for Dogs?

Dog chemotherapy costs will depend on many different factors, but there are usually different options available at varying costs. Variables that influence the price of treatment include the number of rounds of chemo, the type of medication used, and the size of your dog. On average, however, each round is around $1,000, meaning the total bill for the entire course of treatments could end up being between $6,000 to $10,000.

Dog Chemotherapy Success Rate

Chemotherapy for dogs is usually successful in treating symptoms of cancer, but not in eliminating the disease from our systems (remission). This is because the goal of chemotherapy for dogs is often to prolong your pet’s life for as long as possible while providing them with the best quality of life for the time being.

CBD Oil for Tumors in Dogs

A tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue that grows progressively and uncontrolled. Tumors can be benign--meaning they pose no harm--or malignant, meaning cancerous. If a tumor is malignant, a doctor will most likely remove it via a surgical procedure. Some studies have shown that cannabis oil may be able to reduce growth, but more research is needed in order to reach an accurate conclusion. Again, if you are thinking of alternative methods to treat rumors, consult with a veterinarian first.

What's the Best CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer

If you are considering using CBD oil for your dog, make sure you are buying from a trusted manufacturer specializing in CBD oil for dogs and other pets. The best CBD for pets is formulated with hemp-derived CBD and special ingredients carefully selected to supplement your pet’s wellness. If you wish to learn more about CBD oil for dogs, click here.


CBD for dogs is offered in a variety of practical forms. CBD oils can be massaged into naked skin or the interior of the ears, incorporated into food, placed on treats, or given directly to the mouth through a dropper. Additionally, hemp CBD ointments, pills, CBD-infused honey, and CBD-infused hemp crackers are available for dogs.